Friday, July 2, 2010

Not another food blog???

If you by chance happened to come across this blog and you are actually reading this post, you are also probably wondering why anybody would want to start yet another food-related blog. Come on! I mean I'm not Alice Waters or Gordon Ramsay and cooking (or writing by the way) is not my profession. So why even try? There are a million fantastic, inspired food blogs out there and I read at least 500,000 of them, and they are already doing a great job inspiring so many of us. Some are so funny they make me laugh tears. Others are so beautiful I gasp every time I click onto their homepage. Others are just like a good old friend, a familiar place to go to and forget about my troubles for a while. Many keep me connected to my hometown, others tell me about places I have never been to.
So, back to my question, what makes me think I can do a better job than all of these passionate writers and cooks? Nothing, dear reader. I just love food, I love cooking, I love thinking about what to make for dinner and planning meals for friends and family.
When I travel, stopping at local markets and stores is at the top of my list. Discovering a new vegetable or a new way to cook it makes my day. I am that girl who has five different kinds of mustards and vinegar in her cupboard. I can buy something just because it is in a lovely jar or because I cannot resist its lovely retro packaging. I can easily flip through a cookbook with the enthusiasm most gals go through clothes piles during sales. And I am the one who can talk for hours on end about a meal I had while I am sitting enjoying another one. So there are many reasons related to me needing to vent my obsession, but there is also another reason. Often bloggers worry that the recipe they published is too simple, too easy, to basic to capture anyone's interest. Those are exactly the recipes that inspire my evening family meals. I don't have time to cook for hours on end or to go shopping for fancy ingredients I don't have in my cupboard. I need quick, easy and tasty. A recipe I can play around with, exchanging a listed ingredient with that wilted looking spinach I have in the bottom drawer of my fridge.
So dear reader, if you are still with me, that is why I am starting a blog. So I can somehow inspire and be inspired by all you other busy people out there who are nuts about food. So we can all exchange ideas to make the people around us happier. After all, we are what we eat, right?


  1. Ciao Nuts!Buon lavoro per il tuo blog! Io credo che i tanti siti che nascono ogni giorno siano una bellissima opportunità di condivisione e di conoscenza...ben vengano. Vedo che malgrado i tanti impegni ha già pubblicato svariati post, che brava! Io in questo senso sono una lumaca...sembra che non riesca a fare meglio di così!!Belle le tue ricette, molto mediterranee

  2. Grazie Lilla - i post per ora sono tanti perché avevo accumulato tante idee negli ultimi mesi, ma non ho avuto fino ad ora il coraggio di buttarmi nel mondo del blogging. Sfortunatamente il sito è stato bloccato dall'ufficio (una coincidenza???) e da casa con i bimbi diventa un pò difficile! Vedremo...

  3. Thanks for your comment on my blog and your support for a newbie. First, I'm fascinated with Italy, the food, the history and sites and of course, the language. I will follow you on this blog journey and enjoy Italy thru your blog.

    Oh I work in finance also, in the process of getting my CPA license.

  4. Lea, break a leg for your CPA! Will check in soon.

  5. I too love food, read cookbooks instead of novels and exhale deeply after entering the grocery store. It's great to have kids and love to cook. My kids are love to test my creations and have become quite the food critics! I wish you much success with your blog. I have a cooking website as well, I hope you enjoy building your food blog as much as I have enjoyed mine!
    Crystal Maleski

  6. Crystal, thanks for dropping in and taking a look. I just checked out your website and thought it was really interesting. You and I believe in the same thing: cooking a healthy, tasty and quick meal for your family after a busy day.


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