Have been back for a few days actually.
Have opened a new post a few times to then close it immediately because something else needed my immediate attention.
I am frazzled to say the least. I feel like I am stuck in a washing machine on the long cycle. I just keep turning and turning, faster and faster.
Does that happen to you? Every year before the holidays I make a promise not to put myself through all this again next year, and invariably I do.
This year, for the first time ever, I was feeling pretty good about myself. I had gotten most of my Christmast shopping done at the beginning of November. I know, can you believe it? Christmas cards were ordered by the end of November. OK, I'll admit it, I was almost gloating.
I had finally conquered Christmas. I felt focused and prepared. Ok, so this was the first time I wasn't organizing a birthday party for my daughter right before the holidays, but that just made me feel more confident. Everything was good.
Swish. Swish.
Until about a week ago, when everything spiralled out of control. I think the days away were a part of it. First of all I realized
two days before leaving that I had to send out my Christmas cards
before the trip. Besides packing for three (my husband packs his own stuff - another reason why I love him) and getting last minute things for the Germans.
And then coming back to total chaos. Five precious days had passed. Work had accumulated.
I thought everything was pretty much done. I mean Christmas shopping was done. The apartment was rented. Ski lessons were booked. Arrivals and departures planned.
Spin. Spin.
...wrap presents order princess birthday cake work buy present for birthday party plan birthday menu for daughter laundry Christmas drinks work Christmas dinner book baby sitter daughter's Christmas party work son's christmas party work red and white outfit for son's party daughter's Christmas recital blue and red clothers for daughter's recital work buy and drop off fruit juice for son's party pick up family at airport laundry make beds for guests work book seats on bus find out train schedule plan Christmas menu pack bags for mountains work organize ski gear pack Christmas decorations enquire about school refectory strike work make pack lunch send application for daughter's winter camp confirm ski lessons work contact ski rental call rental apartment about coffee machine work laundry book restaurant in mountains pick up cake bring books to library buy Christmas card buy snow boots for daughter last minute order on Amazon food shopping pick up forms work cut boy's hair...
Spin. Spin.
I haven't been cooking lately. I won't even have time to bake my daughter's birthday cake because it is a week day. I think she is actually excited to order a cake with princess decoration from the baker's for once.
As I already mentioned, I am not even organizing her birthday party until the New Year. How did I do it these past years?
Next year I am starting in September, right after back-to-school is over.
Yeah, right.
Stollen |
Weisswurst, sweet mustard and Paulaner |