Crab meat has been on my mind lately and it is all Design, Wine and Dine's fault. She has posted a couple of very tempting recipes on her blog in the past months and I have been dying to make them. They are quick, easy and inexpensive (she suggests using cheaper claw meat in them) yet utterly satisfying and sophisticated enough to make for guests. I had bookmarked them and got home the other day set to make her crab cakes.
Lo and behold, I went to turn my computer on to get the recipe and had no signal. No Internet?? Well, I was disappointed to say the least, but by then I had to get my crab meat fix, I had to have me some crab cakes. I used some of the ingredients I remembered, added in some other things I found in various cookbooks, et voilà, in 10 minutes tops I made these deliciously creamy yet crunchy cakes and served them with a little tartar sauce. They make a perfect snack to serve with drinks in a smaller version but are an excellent starter or main course too.
Next time I will remember to sautee some shallots or onion to put into the mix and I am thinking a little corn wouldn't hurt either. And some horseradish perhaps for an adult version.
A side note/useful tip: when I had already mixed the crab meat with the cream cheese I realized that the jar of breadcrumbs I was sure I had seen just the other day was gone! What to do? I happened to have some rusks at home (fette biscottate in Italian and better known as twice baked bread or zwieback) and mashed up 6 of those in a bag with a rolling pin. They saved the day.